Wednesday, July 25, 2018

About Sunset Lane Eggs:

We are a small business in Western PA focused on providing fresh eggs and keeping happy healthy hens.  All of our eggs are hand gathered from the nests each day, carefully washed, and placed into clean egg cartons.  Unlike most eggs at grocery stores, the eggs we sell come from hens that are outside all day long and reside safely in coops at night.  The hens free range in the grass and fresh air until sunset.  We have a small flock, so our focus is on quality, not quantity.  We have an egg-laying coop that includes Easter Eggers, Salmon Faverolles, Buff Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds, Speckled Sussex hens, and Old English Game Bantams.  We also have several Silkie pens for breeding and chick rearing and a large flock of colorful Guinea Hens. We occasionally sell chicks, started birds, and hatching eggs. 

Egg Prices:
Dozen~ $3.00

1/2 Dozen~$1.50

Chicks, Hatching Eggs, Started Birds:

We occasionally have chicks, hatching eggs, and/or started birds.  Please Contact for availability.

Thank You!

~Sunset Lane Eggs